Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board functions under the control of Govt. of NCT of Delhi and is primarily functioning under the purview of the DUSIB Act,2010. This act empowers the DUSIB to notify certain areas as Slums, where with the passage of time, the buildings have become dilapidated and the basic civic services are missing.

Apart from this, DUSIB has been also assigned the role of looking after the Jhuggie Jhomprie squatter settlements / clusters by way of provision of civic amenities and their resettlement too.


Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board has come in existence under Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board Act, 2010 which has been passed by the Legislative Assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi on the 01st April, 2010 and has come in force by the orders of Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Delhi on 1st July, 2010.

The Slum & JJ Department which was earlier part of MCD has now been transferred to this Board.

The Slum & JJ Department was not set up under any statute, but as part of the MCD in 1962. The department was entrusted with the work of operating the provisions of Slum Areas (Improvement & Clearance) Act,1956.

In 1967 JJ Wing was transferred to DDA and subsequently, merged with DDA. However, Slum & JJ Department was transferred back & forth from MCD to DDA from 1974 till 1980 and was finally with MCD, since September, 1992.


DUSIB is primarily responsible for improving the quality of the life of Slum & JJ Dwellers in the capital city of Delhi whose population at present is estimated to be 1.40 crores. Quite a substantial chunk of population of about 30 lakh is living in approximately 6 lakh jhuggies whose shelter and social infrastructure inputs are becoming serious and increasing concern of Government. It may be clarified here that no authentic door-to door survey to ascertain the slum population has been conducted by the Deptt. These are just the projected figures of population based on purely rough assessment.


The main mission of DUSIB is to improve the quality of life of Slum & JJ Dwellers by implementing number of approved plan Schemes on behalf of Delhi Govt.

The Slum & JJ Department has now been transferred from MCD to Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, under Delhi Govt. with Hon’ble CM as its Chairperson.

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                                        Last Updated: November 25, 2024 02:30 PM
Designed and developed by Saurabh Kumar and Deepak Kaushik
Maintained by DUSIB.