1. There are about 2422 properties / katras (under DUSIB). Over a period of time, large scale unauthorized change in hands has taken place. On the one hand, licence fee has been meager, and on the other hand, DUSIB does not collect the licence fee from unauthorized occupants (purchasers) because their entry is illegal. Although, there has been a policy to impose damages and recognize illegal entry, this has been an ad hoc approach at the best. The government currently spends about two crores for repair of katras under DUSIB while the revenue earned has been only a fraction of it. There is no logic to repair these katrasat the government cost; they are occupied by the private persons. It is unlikely that the government will ever take back the Katra from the occupants free of cost. In fact when the premises / katras were demolished due to their dangerous condition, alternative flats were given to the eligible occupants. It is worth mentioning that about 100 resettlement colonies have been developed in the past by allotting plots and now flats on licence, but the government does not repair the buildings there. 

  2. As a matter of fact, the real cause for poor living conditions in the slums/katras is the existence of the SAIC Act, 1956, which is too regressive and prevents private investment. Unreasonable protection has been given to the occupants (tenants) and the owners therefore, do not take interest in investment, resulting in properties turning dangerous. There is an urgent need to improve upon regulatory framework so that private sector comes in to invest and improve. A proper framework needs to be worked out through deliberations among all the stake holders.

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                                        Last Updated: July 02, 2024 05:18 PM
Designed and developed by Saurabh Kumar and Deepak Kaushik
Maintained by DUSIB.