Under the approved Plan Scheme of Construction of Community Hall / Basti Vikas Kendra, DUSIB (erstwhile Slum & JJ Department) is providing the facilities of BVKs in all existing JJ Clusters. There are about 264 BVKs, out of which 48 BVKs are partly/fully vacant. These units of BVK are allotted to NGOs/VOs/Charitable Trusts for extending the facilities like Health Care, Adult Literacy, skill up gradation, educational, Vocational programmes etc. to the |JJ dwellers. Earlier, the allotment of BVK to NGO was made in accordance with decision No. 5633/GW/Corp. dated 6.1.1997 on nominal licence fee basis i.e. Rs. 100/- per annum. The allotment of BVK was kept in abeyance by the order of the then Hon’ble Mayor, MCD and the file were returned with the remarks that first of all a new policy for allotment of BVK may be approved. Now the agenda of policy for allotment of Basti Vikas Kendras with new terms and conditions as per details annexed in Annexure ‘’A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’




NGO/ Registered Society/ Charitable Trust/ Basti Vikas Samiti /Self Help Group.




1. Recommendation of Present area MLA alongwith relevant documents mentioned in the application form itself
2. Aims & Objectives of the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO
3. Track Record of the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO
4. Background of its Members along with Aadhar Card
5. Submission of Action Plan for the use of BVK for one or two years.
6. Presentation from the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO in the form of CD or Pen Drive alongwith Hard Copy.
7. Presenting the proposal all relevant facts should be described in detail.
8. Every document should be signed by the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO alongwith Stamp.
9. List of tranined professional with qualification.
10. Financial status of the NGO
11. Bank statement of the NGO

D. All information regarding allotment, NGO and their activities will be in public domain /uploaded on website.

Annexure ‘B’

Existing terms & conditions of allotment of BVK are as under:-

1. The user organization will utilize the allotted space for the very purpose for which it has been allotted and shall not be let out in any form, to any other organization/ person.
2. No alteration / addition/ construction shall be made in allotted accommodation.
3. The user organization shall deposit Rs. 10/- sq. feet with minimum Rs. 10,000/- as a security amount (Refundable) in the favour of DUSIB. In the event of violation of any terms and conditions, the security amount will be forfeited.
4. The permission is purely on provisional and temporary basis on nominal License fee @ Rs. 2/- sq. feet per month. In the event of non-payment of License fee, permission to use BVK will be cancelled.
5. The user organization will vacate the BVK whenever required for official work/ any government work without any demur. The organization will have no right to claim any kind of compensation whatsoever.
6. The user organization shall be responsible for safe custody of furniture and fixture and cleanliness of the premises. The organization will also bear electricity and water charges. The periodical maintenance of the building however will continue to vest with DUSIB.
7. NGO/ Charitable Trust will carry out community development activities on no profit and no loss basis and will submit annual income and expenditure statement.
8. The allottee organization shall maintain a socio-economic data of the concerned Slum/ JJ Colonies concerned in prescribed format.
9. The allottee organization shall furnish reports of the activities carried out in Basti Vikas Kender to the DUSIB every six months.
10. The officers of the DUSIB shall have the authority to inspect BVK time to time to see activities being organized and the user organization shall provide all necessary information in respect of such activities.
11. That nothing herein contained shall be constructed as conferring upon user organization any right or title or interest in BVK.
12. NGO/ Charitable Trust will encourage local JJ dwellers to take part in the management and ongoing welfare activities being carried out in the BVK.
13 The DUSIB reserves the right to cancel permission to use BVK. The decision of CEO (DUSIB) will be final.

14. Priority for allotment to BVK will be given to the NGO’s/ Organizations having recommendations from local MLA.
15. Existing NGO’s coming for renewal of their term will be covered as per new terms and conditions on certificate of satisfactory performance.

16. The applicant shall deposit six months advance license fee twice in a financial year. i.e. by 10th of April for the period starting from April to September and by 10th October for the period starting from October to March of respective year along with Activity report for the past six months. No separate demand notice will be issued for license fees in routine manner.

In addition to above, the following requirements should also be fulfilled by the NGOs, which will be enforced at the time of allotment:-

1. NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO will submit aims and objectives at the time of allotment of BVK.
2. Track Record of the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO will also be provided at the time of applying for the allotment.
3. The NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO will submit the background of its members which should be examined at length.
4. At the time of presenting the proposal, all the relevant facts on those front should be delineated.
5. NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO should submit its action plan for one year or two years and if required, a presentation from the NGO/VO/CT/RWA/GO may also be taken.

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                                        Last Updated: July 02, 2024 05:18 PM
Designed and developed by Saurabh Kumar and Deepak Kaushik
Maintained by DUSIB.